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South Hills Academy Blog

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Welcome Back, Eagles! Rolling Out the Red Carpet for our 2024 - 2025 Year!

Welcome Back, Eagles! Rolling Out the Red Carpet for our 2024 - 2025 Year!

We’re thrilled to roll out the red carpet and welcome all our stars back on campus at South Hills Academy! Whether you're a returning student or new to SHA, today marks the start of a journey filled with learning, growth, and friendships.

As you step onto campus, take a moment to shine—get familiar with your schedule, organize your supplies, and connect with your teachers and classmates. Remember, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Let’s make this school year one of discovery, challenge, and fun. Welcome back, Eagles—together, we'll soar to new heights!

"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles." – Isaiah 40:31

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